Does homeowners insurance cover flooding?

Does homeowners insurance cover flooding?
Posted On: August 26, 2020

Does homeowners insurance cover flooding? Yes, but only in cases where flooding is accidental, such as a burst pipe or leaking appliance. Flood insurance protects properties from water damage caused by weather. You must purchase flood insurance through the NFIP or a private insurance company if you want complete flood protection.

At Holt Flood Insurance, we work with the NFIP and several private flood insurance companies. Who you decide to go with depends on your situation and the coverage you need. While insurance through the NFIP is affordable, it only covers homes worth up to $250,000. With private companies, you get more coverage. If you need to figure out who to go with, we can help. With over 30 years of flood insurance experience, you can trust us to give you the best advice you need.

So, when asked if homeowners insurance covers flooding, we have to explain to our clients that there is flooding coverage under regular insurance, but it has to be accidental flooding. In the event of a flood caused by weather and they do not have flood insurance, they will not have coverage and need to pay for repairs out of pocket. Repairs without flood insurance can cost thousands of dollars.

To learn more about homeowners insurance covering flooding, visit our website or call (540)809-1415. We will answer any questions you may have. Contact Holt Flood Insurance today.

Re Posted From: Does homeowners insurance cover flooding?

Holts Flood Insurance

Does homeowners insurance cover flooding?
Posted On: August 26, 2020

Does homeowners insurance cover flooding? Yes, but only in cases where flooding is accidental, such as a burst pipe or leaking appliance. Flood insurance protects properties from water damage caused by weather. You must purchase flood insurance through the NFIP or a private insurance company if you want complete flood protection.

At Holt Flood Insurance, we work with the NFIP and several private flood insurance companies. Who you decide to go with depends on your situation and the coverage you need. While insurance through the NFIP is affordable, it only covers homes worth up to $250,000. With private companies, you get more coverage. If you need to figure out who to go with, we can help. With over 30 years of flood insurance experience, you can trust us to give you the best advice you need.

So, when asked if homeowners insurance covers flooding, we have to explain to our clients that there is flooding coverage under regular insurance, but it has to be accidental flooding. In the event of a flood caused by weather and they do not have flood insurance, they will not have coverage and need to pay for repairs out of pocket. Repairs without flood insurance can cost thousands of dollars.

To learn more about homeowners insurance covering flooding, visit our website or call (540)809-1415. We will answer any questions you may have. Contact Holt Flood Insurance today.

Re Posted From: Does homeowners insurance cover flooding?

Holts Flood Insurance