How much does a new ac system replacement cost

How much does a new ac system replacement cost
Posted On: January 24, 2022

With proper maintenance, the average lifespan of an air conditioning system can be anywhere from 10 to 15 years. If your unit is getting close to the end of its time or have recently run into problems and require a new system, you're probably wondering how much it will cost to replace it.

The price to replace the a/c system can range anywhere from $4,000 to $12,000.

Many factors determine costs such as,

  • Efficiency
  • HVAC system, if needed.
  • Any modifications that are required
  • Installation
  • System capability
  • Line set protection

When installing an a/c system, different materials factor into the cost. These parts include wiring, breakers, pipes, drain lines, permits, and any ductwork if needed.

The size of the air conditioning unit will determine the installation cost. Before the installation begins, the HVAC specialist will look at your home to see how big of a unit you will need. The larger the unit, the more it will cost.

Ductwork is another factor in installation costs. If the ductwork in your home needs any modifications or replacements, the costs will increase.

The line set is a piece of copper tubing that connects the outside a/c unit to the indoor system. This tube moves coolant between the units. Without protection, this tube will be exposed to the elements and other factors that could damage it. Adding line set protection will help avoid this.

If your home hasn't had an a/c system installed, you may need some electrical work done, adding to the installation costs. Depending on your home, it can be around $100 to $600 extra.

When running, the moisture from air conditioners is turned into water. The water then needs somewhere to go and depending on the type of unit, the water either runs into a floor drain, sump pump, or standpipe. However, some situations require a condensate pump.

If that's the case, condensate pumps can add an additional cost to the installation.

The type of air conditioner also plays a factor in the costs. The higher-end models are more costly than the lower ones. Choosing one all depends on your comfort level, always do your research and consult your HVAC specialist before deciding on a unit.

While purchasing an a/c unit can be costly, it's with it in the long run as you can cut down on utility costs by not having as many window units running at once. They can also increase the value of your home should you decide to sell.

For more information on air conditioners, Appliance Helpers is here for you. We can help you find an HVAC specialist in your area. Visit our website for more details and how to get in touch with us.

Re Posted From: How much does a new ac system replacement cost

Appliance Helper

How much does a new ac system replacement cost
Posted On: January 24, 2022

With proper maintenance, the average lifespan of an air conditioning system can be anywhere from 10 to 15 years. If your unit is getting close to the end of its time or have recently run into problems and require a new system, you're probably wondering how much it will cost to replace it.

The price to replace the a/c system can range anywhere from $4,000 to $12,000.

Many factors determine costs such as,

  • Efficiency
  • HVAC system, if needed.
  • Any modifications that are required
  • Installation
  • System capability
  • Line set protection

When installing an a/c system, different materials factor into the cost. These parts include wiring, breakers, pipes, drain lines, permits, and any ductwork if needed.

The size of the air conditioning unit will determine the installation cost. Before the installation begins, the HVAC specialist will look at your home to see how big of a unit you will need. The larger the unit, the more it will cost.

Ductwork is another factor in installation costs. If the ductwork in your home needs any modifications or replacements, the costs will increase.

The line set is a piece of copper tubing that connects the outside a/c unit to the indoor system. This tube moves coolant between the units. Without protection, this tube will be exposed to the elements and other factors that could damage it. Adding line set protection will help avoid this.

If your home hasn't had an a/c system installed, you may need some electrical work done, adding to the installation costs. Depending on your home, it can be around $100 to $600 extra.

When running, the moisture from air conditioners is turned into water. The water then needs somewhere to go and depending on the type of unit, the water either runs into a floor drain, sump pump, or standpipe. However, some situations require a condensate pump.

If that's the case, condensate pumps can add an additional cost to the installation.

The type of air conditioner also plays a factor in the costs. The higher-end models are more costly than the lower ones. Choosing one all depends on your comfort level, always do your research and consult your HVAC specialist before deciding on a unit.

While purchasing an a/c unit can be costly, it's with it in the long run as you can cut down on utility costs by not having as many window units running at once. They can also increase the value of your home should you decide to sell.

For more information on air conditioners, Appliance Helpers is here for you. We can help you find an HVAC specialist in your area. Visit our website for more details and how to get in touch with us.

Re Posted From: How much does a new ac system replacement cost

Appliance Helper