How to Wash Your Clothes Properly?

How to Wash Your Clothes Properly?
Posted On: June 14, 2021

It's a chore that nobody looks forward to doing, laundry. It's time-consuming, and those baskets can get pretty heavy. Sure, laundry may be the cleanest of all the household duties, but face it, we'd rather be doing something else. But did you know there is a right way to wash your clothes?

Here are a few tips on how to properly wash your clothes.

  1. Choose the right detergent: It may not seem like much, but choosing a suitable detergent can go a long way. If you have an HE washing machine, you will want to select a detergent with the HE symbol on the bottle. And always follow the instructions on the bottle to know how much soap to use.
  2. Read the washing labels: Those little tags on your clothes aren't just there to annoy us. They serve a purpose, to help us know if something is machine washable and what temperature to wash them in.
  3. Separate your clothes: Yes, your parents meant it when they said to separate your darks from your colors. You should also avoid washing your clothes with any linens. And don't overload your machine with heavy items.
  4. Temperature: Washing your clothes in cold water will save you money. However, for really soiled clothes, it's recommended to wash them in warm water.
  5. Choose the appropriate cycle for your load: For a better way to wash your clothes, you should always pick the cycle for the load you are doing. For example, if you are doing a load of heavy clothes such as jeans and hoodies, you will want to pick the heavy-duty cycle on the machine.

These are just a few ways on how you can properly wash your clothes. These steps will help your clothes get cleaner. It will also help preserve the life of your washing machine.

If at anytime your washing machine goes down, Appliance Helpers is here for you. We can help you find a service company that will come and fix it for you. Visit our website for more information on how we can help you.

Re Posted From: How to Wash Your Clothes Properly?

Appliance Helper

How to Wash Your Clothes Properly?
Posted On: June 14, 2021

It's a chore that nobody looks forward to doing, laundry. It's time-consuming, and those baskets can get pretty heavy. Sure, laundry may be the cleanest of all the household duties, but face it, we'd rather be doing something else. But did you know there is a right way to wash your clothes?

Here are a few tips on how to properly wash your clothes.

  1. Choose the right detergent: It may not seem like much, but choosing a suitable detergent can go a long way. If you have an HE washing machine, you will want to select a detergent with the HE symbol on the bottle. And always follow the instructions on the bottle to know how much soap to use.
  2. Read the washing labels: Those little tags on your clothes aren't just there to annoy us. They serve a purpose, to help us know if something is machine washable and what temperature to wash them in.
  3. Separate your clothes: Yes, your parents meant it when they said to separate your darks from your colors. You should also avoid washing your clothes with any linens. And don't overload your machine with heavy items.
  4. Temperature: Washing your clothes in cold water will save you money. However, for really soiled clothes, it's recommended to wash them in warm water.
  5. Choose the appropriate cycle for your load: For a better way to wash your clothes, you should always pick the cycle for the load you are doing. For example, if you are doing a load of heavy clothes such as jeans and hoodies, you will want to pick the heavy-duty cycle on the machine.

These are just a few ways on how you can properly wash your clothes. These steps will help your clothes get cleaner. It will also help preserve the life of your washing machine.

If at anytime your washing machine goes down, Appliance Helpers is here for you. We can help you find a service company that will come and fix it for you. Visit our website for more information on how we can help you.

Re Posted From: How to Wash Your Clothes Properly?

Appliance Helper