Tesla Giga Berlin Receives Final Operating Permit

Tesla Giga Berlin Receives Final Operating Permit
Posted On: March 20, 2022

Just a few hours ago Tesla blogger Sawyer Merritt tweeted breaking news from Tesla Giga Berlin, saying an insider source shared with him an email from Tesla to employees informing the receipt of operating permit. This clears the start of production at Giga Berlin.

Here is what Merritt just tweeted. "Yesterday was a huge day for Tesla Giga Berlin. Tesla officially received their operating permit. This now officially enables them to start production & to deliver cars to customers! The more than 400 things Tesla needed to show officials are now complete," Merritt wrote, referring to his own internal source. I trust Merrit this is why I am reporting this news with our Torque News followers. Merritt has been a reliable source for Tesla news and has repeatedly shared Tesla inside news, which has proved to be true.

Then he shared the copy of the official email from Tesla to employees in both English and German.

The email reads:

"Dear Giga Berlin team,

"Yesterday, was a huge day for our gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg. We officially received our operating permit. This also enables us to start production and to deliver cars to our customers. What a milestone in our young history."

Then the email congratulates and thanks Giga Berlin team members and to all that helped to get Tesla to this point. It continues saying "Great team spirit. And of course, we wouldn't be Tesla if we would not continue working at full speed and already start delivering the first cars to our customers next Tuesday. This is going to be a memorable moment and the entire world will watch. As already announced in several emails, we are going to celebrate this event with you straight after the shift ends at 3;00pm. We are looking forward to seeing you there. thank you for your continued hard work."

Source: Re-posted and Summarized from Armen Hareyan at torquenews.

My Take: Its now, game on. Traditional OEMs look out.

Re Posted From: Tesla Giga Berlin Receives Final Operating Permit

Auto Helpers

Tesla Giga Berlin Receives Final Operating Permit
Posted On: March 20, 2022

Just a few hours ago Tesla blogger Sawyer Merritt tweeted breaking news from Tesla Giga Berlin, saying an insider source shared with him an email from Tesla to employees informing the receipt of operating permit. This clears the start of production at Giga Berlin.

Here is what Merritt just tweeted. "Yesterday was a huge day for Tesla Giga Berlin. Tesla officially received their operating permit. This now officially enables them to start production & to deliver cars to customers! The more than 400 things Tesla needed to show officials are now complete," Merritt wrote, referring to his own internal source. I trust Merrit this is why I am reporting this news with our Torque News followers. Merritt has been a reliable source for Tesla news and has repeatedly shared Tesla inside news, which has proved to be true.

Then he shared the copy of the official email from Tesla to employees in both English and German.

The email reads:

"Dear Giga Berlin team,

"Yesterday, was a huge day for our gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg. We officially received our operating permit. This also enables us to start production and to deliver cars to our customers. What a milestone in our young history."

Then the email congratulates and thanks Giga Berlin team members and to all that helped to get Tesla to this point. It continues saying "Great team spirit. And of course, we wouldn't be Tesla if we would not continue working at full speed and already start delivering the first cars to our customers next Tuesday. This is going to be a memorable moment and the entire world will watch. As already announced in several emails, we are going to celebrate this event with you straight after the shift ends at 3;00pm. We are looking forward to seeing you there. thank you for your continued hard work."

Source: Re-posted and Summarized from Armen Hareyan at torquenews.

My Take: Its now, game on. Traditional OEMs look out.

Re Posted From: Tesla Giga Berlin Receives Final Operating Permit

Auto Helpers