Why doesnt my thermostat work with my furnace

Why doesnt my thermostat work with my furnace
Posted On: November 29, 2021

Has this ever happened to you? You go to switch on your thermostat to heat, but your furnace hasn't kicked on. While it's best to contact an HVAC specialist, there are a few reasons why your thermostat isn't working with your furnace.

  1. Filter:Sometimes, the issue can be as simple as a dirty filter. And some thermostats can even alert when it's time for a filter change. So before anything else, check your furnace filter and replace it if necessary.
  2. Wiring:Check for any loose connections and replace any wires if necessary.
  3. Wrong thermostat:For everything to work, the thermostat should be the right one for your heating system. The incorrect thermostat could cause miscommunication. Contact an HVAC specialist before replacing an outdated thermostat.
  4. Breaker:Like any other appliance, your furnace has a breaker, and sometimes it can get tripped when coming on. Inspect the breakers to ensure they are okay. There is also a switch that controls the furnace, and check to make sure nobody turned it off by accident.
  5. Furnace issue:If you have eliminated the thermostat issues, the furnace itself could be an issue. Some common problems with the furnace include the belt or motor. These issues require a technician to repair and can be quite costly. Routine maintenance can help avoid this.

A thermostat that doesn't work correctly with the furnace can cause issues with the system and lead to costly heating and cooling bills. So, if you are noticing that your energy bills are pretty high, the problem could lie with the thermostat.

If you plan to replace your thermostat, there are a few types for you to choose from. There are manual thermostats that allow you to control the temperature by hand, and these types of thermostats are recommended for homeowners who want to keep a set temperature. And for those looking for more features and who are tech-savvy, a smart thermostat or remote thermostat may be right up their alley.

A remote thermostat can be controlled using a smartphone from anywhere. So if you want to come home to a nice warm or cold home, you can do so by your phone.

A smart or learning thermostat will learn your heating and cooling preferences, so you don't have to keep programming it.

For more information on thermostats and how they work with a heating and cooling system, contact Appliance Helpers. We will help you find an expert in your area. Visit our website for more information and how to get in touch with us.

Re Posted From: Why doesnt my thermostat work with my furnace

Appliance Helper

Why doesnt my thermostat work with my furnace
Posted On: November 29, 2021

Has this ever happened to you? You go to switch on your thermostat to heat, but your furnace hasn't kicked on. While it's best to contact an HVAC specialist, there are a few reasons why your thermostat isn't working with your furnace.

  1. Filter:Sometimes, the issue can be as simple as a dirty filter. And some thermostats can even alert when it's time for a filter change. So before anything else, check your furnace filter and replace it if necessary.
  2. Wiring:Check for any loose connections and replace any wires if necessary.
  3. Wrong thermostat:For everything to work, the thermostat should be the right one for your heating system. The incorrect thermostat could cause miscommunication. Contact an HVAC specialist before replacing an outdated thermostat.
  4. Breaker:Like any other appliance, your furnace has a breaker, and sometimes it can get tripped when coming on. Inspect the breakers to ensure they are okay. There is also a switch that controls the furnace, and check to make sure nobody turned it off by accident.
  5. Furnace issue:If you have eliminated the thermostat issues, the furnace itself could be an issue. Some common problems with the furnace include the belt or motor. These issues require a technician to repair and can be quite costly. Routine maintenance can help avoid this.

A thermostat that doesn't work correctly with the furnace can cause issues with the system and lead to costly heating and cooling bills. So, if you are noticing that your energy bills are pretty high, the problem could lie with the thermostat.

If you plan to replace your thermostat, there are a few types for you to choose from. There are manual thermostats that allow you to control the temperature by hand, and these types of thermostats are recommended for homeowners who want to keep a set temperature. And for those looking for more features and who are tech-savvy, a smart thermostat or remote thermostat may be right up their alley.

A remote thermostat can be controlled using a smartphone from anywhere. So if you want to come home to a nice warm or cold home, you can do so by your phone.

A smart or learning thermostat will learn your heating and cooling preferences, so you don't have to keep programming it.

For more information on thermostats and how they work with a heating and cooling system, contact Appliance Helpers. We will help you find an expert in your area. Visit our website for more information and how to get in touch with us.

Re Posted From: Why doesnt my thermostat work with my furnace

Appliance Helper